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Loading scripts and the use of the 'defer' attribute with jQuery Easy Profiles

First published July 27, 2022
3497 hits - No rating

In Joomla, scripts are added to the <head> tag on a page.

When the browser's HTML parser finds the <script> tag, it downloads the script and executes it. After the task is done, it goes on and parses the remaining HTML.


Troubleshoot: the extension works fine on my test server, not on my live server

First published October 25, 2022
1341 hits - No rating

This usually happens when servers have different configurations. Most issues I have encountered so far were related to the difference in folder/file permissions being more restrictive on the live server.

A utility like Admin Tools from Akeeba can help sort these problems out.

In the end, if styles don't seem to get applied, check Troubleshoot missing styles and scripts (access permissions errors).


Troubleshoot: I don't see changes on my site when I change the parameters

First published October 13, 2015
8853 hits - No rating

After installing an extension, no matter what parameters you have set, the output does not come out right on the public site. Elements don't change appearance or may not be stylized at all.

What is happening?


Use jQuery Easy to: load libraries from the cloud

First published October 20, 2021
2314 hits - No rating

One basic reason you would install jQuery Easy would be to load jQuery and/or Bootstrap libraries from the internet, through a CDN (or Content Delivery Network). That has the advantage to load libraries that are not necessarily available in the version of Joomla you are using from an outsourced server that is optimized to deliver them.


Tip: fix cut-off information in Trombinoscope Contacts cards

First published November 15, 2020
2905 hits - No rating

Trombinoscope Contacts v4.0 brought up a number of improvements, one of which being a new way to improve the readability of contact information on smaller screens, mobile devices or when resizing the browser window down.

Cut-off information in Trombinoscope Contacts


Create a contact directory in Joomla

First published October 25, 2020
4781 hits - No rating

In this tutorial, learn how you can create a full-blown contact directory with Trombinoscope Contacts Pro. We will go through the basic steps that are necessary to create a successful output.


Removing the Chosen jQuery plugin with jQuery Easy Profiles

First published October 02, 2020
3524 hits - No rating

The Chosen jQuery plugin is widely used in Joomla 3 and is primarily used to 'beautify' html select boxes. Many components load it but it may stand in the way in some website designs. While some extensions may give you the option to skip the plugin, you may not have any possibility to remove it. Let see how jQuery Easy Profiles, developed for Joomla, can help.


This set of articles have been created in order to increase people's awareness about the Simplify Your Web products.
It is aiming to show how those products can be used and point out not-so-well-known functionality.