Category: jQuery Easy

Advanced options

jQuery Easy

Parameters with * will work regardless of jQuery being enabled in the basic options.

* Disable in templates Disable the plugin in the selected template styles
* Template styles
The template styles the parameters will be applied to
* Components
Enable the parameters in the pages containing one of the selected component(s)
* Enable only in pages Enable the parameters in the pages listed only (one path per line) - check the rules below
Warning If used, do not set Disable in pages
* Disable in pages Disable the parameters in the pages listed only (one path per line) - check the rules below
Warning If used, do not set Enable in pages


Warning Do not enter the root path

Note Joomla 1.6 - 2.5 Prior to version v1.4.3 of the plugin, the rules were slightly different:

You must set Paths backward compatibility to No (in Others tab) to use the new rule set. The previous syntax is enabled by default for backward compatibility.

* Head-only modifications
Limit the plugin processing to the <head> area of the page (off by default)
Note Use when there is no need to check the <body> area. It will improve performance and limit server resources consumption.


Replace when unique Replaces the jQuery/jQuery UI libraries and/or jQuery UI CSS with the plugin’s choices even when there is only one instance of those present on the page
Add when missing Adds the jQuery/jQuery UI libraries and/or jQuery UI CSS to pages that do not have jQuery on them
Ignore scripts Makes sure the scripts listed remain on the page and are not stripped out by the plugin (some file names are built in such a way they can be mistaken for a jQuery library). One script per line.
Note Joomla 3 The script file media/jui/js/chosen.jquery.min.js is added by default because it is commonly used.

Example /js/wanted_script.min.jquery.js

Strip no conflict code Removes all no conflict scripts and declarations by default.
Will get rid of jQuery.noConflict(), $.noConflict(), jQuery.noConflict(true), $.noConflict(true)
Add no conflict code
  • No Mostly used when jQuery is the only library loaded on the page.
  • Thru script declaration Adds jQuery.noConflict(); as visible script in <head>.
  • Thru script Default Adds the jquerynoconflict.js script file right after the jQuery script file. It ensures the jQuery scripts use jQuery rather than $, no matter if another library that could conflict with it is loaded before or after jQuery.
Fix document ready Replaces all occurrences of $(document).ready(function() or $(document).ready(function($) with jQuery(document).ready(function($).
Using jQuery in the statement is required when using no conflict


Note This only applies to MooTools packaged with the Joomla! framework. If MooTools is loaded externally, it will be considered like any other script.

* Disable when possible Will disable the MooTools libraries following the following set of rules for safe removal:
  • no other library using MooTools is loaded from /media/system/js (won't be deleted if using mootree.js for instance)
  • if there is no edition of articles, weblinks (MooTools is needed for article saving for instance) i.e. when view != form
  • if component.php is not in use (MooTools is needed to import images for instance) i.e. when tmpl != component
  • we are not in the pages specified in keep in pages
* Keep in pages When MooTools is set to be disabled, it can still be enabled in the pages listed (one path per line).
The same rules used for Enable only in pages apply.

Warning Disable MooTools at your own risk.
You may break some features (search filters functionality and frontend article submission for instance), especially with Joomla! 2.5 and under.

If your Joomla website does not use MooTools, you will benefit from disabling it:



Load before UI Forces the Bootstrap library to load before the jQuery UI library (when both are present)
* Button fix
  • Bootstrap move the Bootstrap namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
  • jQuery UI move the jQuery UI namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
* Replacement function The function that can be used instead of button by Bootstrap when choosing the Boostrap fix or by jQuery UI when choosing the jQuery UI fix
* Tooltip fix
  • Bootstrap move the Bootstrap namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
  • jQuery UI move the jQuery UI namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
Note The Bootstrap v2 code for namespace renaming of tooltips is broken and will generate javascript errors
* Replacement function The function that can be used instead of tooltip by Bootstrap when choosing the Boostrap fix or by jQuery UI when choosing the jQuery UI fix
* Disable tooltips Removes the tooltip script declaration added by Joomla (containing .hasTooltip)
* Replace function Will replace the function name tooltip with the tooltip replacement function in the script declaration containing .hasTooltip


* Disable Captions Gets rid of JCaption.
Note Until Joomla! 3.1, the code was associated with MooTools. Since then, it is a jQuery script.
Strip remaining scripts Get rid of the scripts that have not been automatically removed by the plugin but still need to be stripped out (one path per line). The path is the content of the src attribute of the script tag.

Example js/unwanted_script.js

Strip remaining stylesheets Get rid of the stylesheets that have not been automatically removed by the plugin but still need to be stripped out (one path per line). The path is the content of the href attribute of the link tag.

Example css/unwanted_stylesheet.css

* Add scripts Add javascripts (one path per line)


Profiles Add 'async' and/or 'defer' to the scripts


* Add script declarations Add javascript declarations.

Example var myVar = jQuery.noConflict();

* Add jQuery declarations
This includes the scripts into a document.ready close. Add any jQuery code referenced with $. This code is included AFTER the button and tooltip fix code, allowing the re-assignment of the new functions to elements on the page.

Example $('.print-icon').tlp(); where tlp is the new function for referencing tooltips. If using the tooltip fix for jQuery UI, this will force the print icon to show jQuery UI-style tooltips.

* Add styles Add CSS stylesheets (one path per line).


* Add style declarations Add CSS styles.

Example div span { font-size: 20px; }

* Strip blank lines Removes the blank lines created by the plugin’s cleaning.
Note Disabled by default because it may slow down the loading of long pages.

Note Scripts and stylesheets are added after all the plugin modifications and before the removal of blank lines. Therefore the scripts can contain any jQuery code without the risk of being removed by the plugin. Moreover, the script declarations are added in front of any other script declaration added by other extensions on the page.