Category: jQuery Easy

Bootstrap options

jQuery Easy
Joomla 3 Profiles
Joomla 4 All versions

Add/Fix Bootstrap
No selection use the plugin without adding Bootstrap libraries or removing duplicate Bootstrap libraries
Bootstrap Bootstrap
add and/or replace the Bootstrap library/duplicated libraries

Bootstrap Bootstrap

Bootstrap 2 requires at least jQuery v1.8 up to v2.1.
Bootstrap 3 and 4 require jQuery v1.9.1 minimum.
Check 'getting started' section for jQuery and Popper requirements for the Bootstrap version you have selected.
Bootstrap 5 no longer requires jQuery

  • 2.3.2/3.x/4.x/5.x load the library version X from the Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • local use specific files added by you on the server
  • Joomla! framework use the v2.3.2 library packaged with Joomla 3 or the v5.x library packaged with Joomla 4 (local)
Sub-version Specify the sub-version
Example 7 where 7 is the last number in 3.3.7 when selecting the version 3.3.x
File types Decide which of the javascript and/or of the style files need to be removed and replaced
  • .js remove and replace javascript files
  • .css remove and replace stylesheet files
  • .js + .css remove and replace both javascript and stylesheet files
Load theme B 3 Loads the optional bootstrap-theme stylesheet associated with Bootstrap 3
CSS packages B 4 B 5 Optional CSS packages that will be loaded on the page, replacing the general Bootstrap CSS file. The general Bootstrap CSS file includes those files.
  • grid bootstrap-grid.css
  • reboot bootstrap-reboot.css
  • utilities B 5 bootstrap-utilities.css

Joomla 4 The Joomla! framework option loads Grid, Reboot and Utilities 
Joomla 4
JS packages
Select the packages available in Joomla when the Joomla framework is selected.
  • alert
  • button
  • carousel
  • collapse
  • dropdown
  • modal
  • offcanvas
  • popover (also used for tooltips)
  • scrollspy
  • tab
  • toast push notifications

Find more information at:
RTL version B 5 Load the RTL version of the CSS file(s)
Bundle B 4 B 5 Loads the Bootstrap 4 or 5 bundle library. That library includes popper.js

Joomla 4 The Joomla! framework option loads the bundle version of Bootstrap 5
Local paths (scripts) When using the local option, set the path(s) to the local script (.js) file(s).
Add a path per line

Example /media/bootstrap/v2.3.2/js/bootstrap.min.js

Local paths (styles) When using the local option, set the path(s) to the local stylesheet (.css) files.
Add a path per line

Example /media/bootstrap/v2.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css

B 4 B 5 Popper
Version B 4 B 5 The version of the popper.js library (for instance 1.13.x)
Sub-version B 4 B 5 The sub-version of the popper.js library (for instance 0 to end up with 1.13.0)

popper.js is only required when loading the Bootstrap 4 or 5 javascript file and using tooltips, popovers, modals and dropdowns.

Additional modifications (dependent)

The following settings are dependent from the Add/Fix Bootstrap option

Ignore scripts Makes sure the scripts listed remain on the page and are not stripped out by the plugin (some file names are built in such a way they can be mistaken for a Bootstrap library). One script per line.

Example /js/wanted_script.bootstrap.js

Ignore stylesheets Makes sure the stylesheets listed remain on the page and are not stripped out by the plugin (some file names are built in such a way they can be mistaken for a Bootstrap stylesheet). One stylesheet per line.

Example /css/bootstrap-selected.css

removed in J! 4
Load before UI
Forces the Bootstrap library to load before the jQuery UI library (when both are present).
Warning This will have no effect if jQuery UI is not selected in the jQuery tab.
New Profiles
Defer Bootstrap
Add the defer attribute to all Bootstrap-related scripts at once

Additional modifications (independent)

The following settings are independent from the Add/Fix Bootstrap option

Button fix
  • Bootstrap move the Bootstrap namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
  • jQuery UI move the jQuery UI namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
Replacement function
The function that can be used instead of button by Bootstrap when choosing the Boostrap fix or by jQuery UI when choosing the jQuery UI fix
Disable tooltips
Removes the tooltip script declaration added by Joomla (containing .hasTooltip).
v4+ The option Yes, by overload overloads the core Joomla calls for tooltips by returning nothing whenever tooltips are called site wide. It prevents lookups by regular expressions, making the process faster
Tooltip fix
  • Bootstrap move the Bootstrap namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
  • jQuery UI move the jQuery UI namespace which is now referenced by the replacement function
Note The Bootstrap v2 code for namespace renaming of tooltips is broken and will generate javascript errors
Replacement function
The function that can be used instead of tooltip by Bootstrap when choosing the Boostrap fix or by jQuery UI when choosing the jQuery UI fix
Replace function
Will replace the function name tooltip with the tooltip replacement function in the script declaration containing .hasTooltip