Category: Latest News Enhanced

Color schemes

Latest News Enhanced

Starting with v6.0, Latest News Enhanced offers the ability to load specific color schemes, helping you jumpstart your design. 5 color schemes are available out-of-the-box, with more downloadable if you own the PRO version.

All colors can be replaced in the Theme overrides section of the Theming tab.

A couple specific CSS classes are also provided so you can match the colors of your labels and buttons:

This functionality does not support Internet Explorer 11 and under (color schemes use CSS variables). Older browsers will get the colors inherited from the general template of the site.

The available CSS variables you can use in your CSS overrides:

Usage example

#lnee_116 .newshead { background-color: var(--secondaryColor); }

The Denim color scheme
The Denim color scheme
Sample with Denim color scheme
An example of a card using the Denim color scheme

The Earth color scheme
The Earth color scheme
Sample with Earth color scheme
An example of a card using the Earth color scheme

The Marine color scheme
The Marine color scheme
Sample with Marine color scheme
An example of a card using the Marine color scheme

The Pastels color scheme
The Pastels color scheme
Sample with Pastels color scheme
An example of a card using the Pastels color scheme

The Portfolio color scheme
The Portfolio color scheme
Sample with Portfolio color scheme
An example of a card using the Portfolio color scheme