Category: Latest News Enhanced

Global configuration: blog layout

Latest News Enhanced

Pro v4+

The blog layout
The blog layout

Pro v6.5+ Check the global configuration section Layouts for access to parameters common to all layouts.

Items spacing
The kind of spacing between the items
start Alignment start
end Alignment end
center Alignment center
space between Alignment space between
space around Alignment space around
space evenly Alignment space evenly
Items alignment The alignment of the items
stretch Alignment stretch
Forces items on a same row to have same height, whenever possible
start Alignment start
center Alignment center
end Alignment end

Leading items

Parameters for the leading items
Parameters for the leading items
Space between The space between the items on a row (that space will be divided by 2 and create margins left and right)
Space after The bottom margin to add to the items

Remaining items

Parameters for the remaining items
Parameters for the remaining items
Space between The space between the items on a row (that space will be divided by 2 and create margins left and right)
Space after The bottom margin to add to the items