Category: Latest News Enhanced

Module: Head: Video

Latest News Enhanced

Pro v4.9+ Joomla 3.7+

In order to show videos, you can store information in a custom field of type url or in a third party custom field that can handle video information.

Sets of third-party custom fields can be found in the Joomla! Extensions Directory.
We recommend the Advanced Custom Fields from Tassos Marinos.

You need to set which custom fields to use for which video type in the global configuration of the extension (Shared Options tab)

To hide videos from articles (and only show them in the Latest News Enhanced Pro extension), set the automatic display parameter of the custom field to 'No'. Note that the custom field of type url will only show the link to the video in the article, not the video itself.

This feature is not available for K2

Default image The image to use when the video for the item is missing
Background image The background image to show until the video has fully loaded
Background color The background color to show until the video has fully loaded
Border width The border around the video (in pixels)
Border radius Make the corners round (for a round background, use a radius that is half the size of the head)
Border color The border color
Shadow width [CSS3] Add a shadow to the video
Force ratio In some cases, forcing an aspect ratio (like 16/9) helps make the video responsive and resize properly.
All videos need to have the same aspect ratio.

Warning Do not use with HTML 5 or Facebook videos.
Note The ratio is calculated from the width and height provided.
Poster A still image that will be used until the video is played
  • default get the default poster from the media service (YouTube only support)
  • custom field of type media an image located on your site
  • custom field of type url an image with a specific URL

Warning There are no posters for Facebook videos..
Note For better results, the image used as a poster should have the same aspect ratio as the video. Using posters improves performance (as long as images are properly optimized). It will load the videos only when requested by the visitor of your site
At this time, the extension supports:
  • videos coming from DailyMotion, Vimeo and YouTube services,
  • videos from the Facebook social media network,
  • videos supported by the HTML5 video tag (.mp4, .webm and .ogg)

When loaded without a poster, all videos load but do not play. When using a poster, the user's click triggers the loading of the video and the video plays automatically, but muted. Un-muted, the videos would not play until another user interaction. This is because of browser policies that now force videos to be less intrusive.
You can change the output's behavior for any video type by creating overrides of the video layouts in your template's configuration.