Category: Latest News Enhanced

Module: item selection

Latest News Enhanced
Data source The data that will be used to create the news list
Articles selection articles from the Joomla articles
K2 items selection K2 items from the K2 items (the K2 extension must be installed)
No Joomla 4+ support
Other selections Pro Additional data source from other sources made available by all installed LatestNewsEnhanced plugins
  Download additional data sources Pro Download more data sources
Feeds selection Pro newsfeeds from a list of feeds
Additional options
Options available by all installed LatestNewsEnhanced plugins. 
Use as related Shows related items to the current item on the page.
  • By keyword items are compared to each other through meta keywords
  • By tag items are compared to each other through tags
  • Articles: By tag (any content) Joomla articles are compared to content on the page through tags
  • Pro To contact shows articles or K2 items associated with the contact view (only if the contact is also associated with a user)
  • Pro To Community Builder user profile shows articles or K2 items associated with the user showing in the CB user profile

When using By keyword or By tag, the module will show only if located on a page where an article or K2 item is loaded into the main content and that article has common meta keywords or tags with other ones.
Note Blogs and category lists usually have no underlined loaded tags, therefore the module won't show
Warning Make sure advanced module cache options are set to 'no cache'

Category filter
  • Include includes the selected categories
  • Exclude excludes the selected categories, therefore including all the other ones
Categories / K2 categories Select the Joomla! standard categories or K2 categories the articles are from (multiple select).
Auto will select all items related to the categories showing on the page or related to items of the same category.
Warning K2 In 'auto' mode, K2 is limited to showing items on one category page or item page
Subcategories Automatically selects the next level(s) or all levels of a category.
  • No do not include children of the selected categories
  • Level include X levels of the selected categories
  • All levels include all subcategories of the selected categories
Maximum level depth The depth level (starting at 1) when selecting 'level' in subcategories
New v4.5 K2 K2 is no longer limited to level 1
Category order The order of the categories
  • Order by administration console order
  • Title by category name/title order
Tags filter
  • Include includes the selected tags
  • Exclude excludes the selected tags (irrelevant in the context of related by tags)
Tags / K2 tags Select which tags the items must have. 'All tags' will select all items having tags
Include children Include the children of the selected tags
Warning K2 K2 only has a flat representation of tags, therefore this option does not apply to K2 tags
Tags match type How tags need to match
  • All The item is selected if it has all of the tags
  • Any The item is selected if at least one tag is found

Free v4.1+ Pro v4.1+ All now works with excluded tags.
Note This parameter also applies to related tags. For instance, if the item on the page has tags X and Y and the value is 'All', the related items will need to have the exact same tags X and Y in order to be selected.
Pro v4.1+
Any (at least)
When using Any, set how many tags should at least match (default is 1, cannot be 0)
Pro v4.1+
Any (at most)
When using Any, set how many tags should at most match (default is empty)
Pro v4.1+
Tag order
  • Matching Desc (include only) When the tags filter is set to include, order the items from the most matching tags to the last matching tags
(at least)
(at most)
Filter Result
1 <empty> include show all items with at least one matching tag (default behavior)
1 2 include show all items with at least 1 and at most 2 matching tags
3 3 include show all items with exactly 3 matching tags
1 2 exclude exclude all items that have at least 1 and at most 2 matching tags
Custom fields
Custom fields A selection of custom fields one can filter with (for articles only). Learn how to use fields as filters in this tutorial.
Use as many fields as needed, but be aware that multiplying the number of fields may have performance impact issues
Custom field The field used for filtering (showing here, custom fields of type list, checkboxes, radio and sql)
Filter Include or exclude the values that are set in the following parameter
Values The list of the values the items must have or not have to be selected, comma separated
Meta keywords Keywords common to all articles
Author match The data to use to identify the article's author.
  • Created by the user who created the article
  • Created by AND Created by alias the user who created the article and the person who's alias is added to the article
  • Created by OR Created by alias the user who created the article or the person who's alias is added to the article
Using 'AND' ensures articles MUST HAVE 'created by' and 'created by alias' values to be selected.
Created by (previously named 'author') filter
  • Include includes the selected users
  • Exclude excludes the selected users
Created by (previously named 'authors') Select from which authors the articles are written from
  • Auto will select all items related to the author for the article/K2 item showing on the page
  • Logged user from the logged user (was 'auto' before 6.7)
  • All authors from any user
  • [John Doe] from John Doe
Created by alias filter
  • Include includes the selected aliases
  • Exclude excludes the selected aliases
Created by alias Select which alias the articles must be written from
  • All alias from any article having an alias
  • [John Doe] from alias 'John Doe'
Author The author's name representation
  • User Name the name of the user who created the article
  • Alias -> Name (when the alias is missing, the name of the user is used instead)
  • Username the username of the user who created the article
Author order
  • None
  • Alphabetical Asc by alphabetical order, ascending
  • Alphabetical Desc by alphabetical order, descending
Date Which date should be applied
  • Created
  • Published
  • Modified
  • Finished
  • Finished with pending
  • Pending the published start date is in the future
  • Pro Any custom field of type 'calendar' (no support in K2)
When no date What needs to be done when the date is missing (most likely only for finished publishing date where date may be missing)
  • Do not show Remove all items that have no date
  • Keep in place Free v4.1+ Pro v4.1+ Do not move items around
  • Show first Show all items with no dates at the beginning of the list of items
  • Show last Show all items with no dates at the end of the list of items
Apply range Narrows down the list of items to the dates selected
  • None
  • Relative dates select the items for the last 2 weeks for instance
  • Fixed dates select the items between fixed dates
(relative dates)
The relative from date
  • Now
  • X days
  • X weeks
  • X months
  • X years

Example To show articles from the last 2 weeks, select X weeks
Example To show articles from last month to 2 months in the future, select X months

From X
(relative dates)
The number representing ‘X’ in ‘From’ (can be negative)

Example To show articles from the last 2 weeks, type 2 or New standard -2
Example To show articles from last month to 2 months in the future, type -1

(relative dates)
The relative to date
  • Now
  • X days
  • X weeks
  • X months
  • X years

Example To show articles from the last 2 weeks, select Now
Example To show articles from last month to 2 months in the future, select X months

To X
(relative dates)
The number representing ‘X’ in ‘To’

Example To show articles from last month to 2 months in the future, type 2

Start date
(fixed dates)
The start date to use when selecting items between fixed dates
End date
(fixed dates)
The end date to use when selecting items between fixed dates
Exclude current item Remove the visible item on the page from the module items
Exclude IDs Exclude articles from the list of selected ones

Example 20,34,47

Only IDs Include only these articles.
Use in conjunction with order 'Manual' to order the items in the way they are specified in this parameter
Unauthorized items
Allow public visitors to have a glimpse at restricted content. Applies to categories and items.
The unauthorized links are encoded and require login to access the full content.
Warning K2 K2 has some limitations:
  • categories must be explicitly added to the list of categories if they are inaccessible to the general public (one level and all level options won't select them)
  • uncategorized categories won't be selected in auto mode
Include Featured Featured items filtering.
  • Yes include featured items
  • No do not include featured items
  • Only get only the featured items
  • First include featured items, showing first

New Starting with v6.10, start and finish featured dates are taken into account for the visibility of featured articles. Note that a featured article that is no longer in the date range does not make it a non-featured article.
Order The order in which the articles are presented (per category if categories are ordered)
  • None no order specified
  • Order by administration console order
  • Added by created date
  • Modified by modified date
  • Published by published date
  • Touched if no modified date, use created date
  • Finished by published down date
  • Pro Custom field date by the custom field of type 'calendar' selected as date (no support for K2)
  • Random
  • Popular by number of hits
  • Title by alphabetical order
  • Manual by ids specified in the Only IDs parameter
Enforce language On multi-lingual sites, allows you to select items with the same language as the language of the page or mix items of different languages
Max count The max number of items that will show. Leave blank to show all items
  • To articles the max count will be the total max of items that will show
  • Per category the max count will be the total max of items that will show per category. New v4.5 Behavior modification: when 2 or more categories are selected, will show the total max of items for those categories ONLY (the sub-category items are considered part of the top most parent category)
  • Per author the max count will be the total max of items that will show per author
Start At The news item number to start from (useful if 2 instances of the module are created with the same data)
  • Joomla does not handle pending articles in the frontend (linking a pending article results in a 404 error). Therefore, even though you can show those articles in the module, you cannot link to them. This has been reported as a bug to Joomla, but has been closed and no fix is on the way. Please report this to the Joomla forums. The more users ask about a fix, the more likely the issue will be taken into account and re-opened.
  • There is a well-known order bug in Joomla when articles are copies of each other and the creation or publishing dates are the same (to the second). Modifying the dates fixes it.