Category: Sesame pay-for-access

Global configuration: Payments

Sesame pay-for-access
Use payment simulator Simulate payment while configuring the extension. Payment is handled locally and there is no need to connect to the internet or set up a payment gateway
Default currency The currency to use for all transactions by default
Taxes Apply taxes for all payments
Tax percentage The tax percentage to apply to each payment
License upgrade discount Provide a discount to the user who upgrades a previously owed license. Upgrading a license is possible when a license with a higher level in the same level group is available
License renewal discount Allow discounts when a user renews a previously owned license before expiration
Renewal discount percentage The discount percentage to apply for renewing licenses
Discount coupons Allow coupon use throughout the payment process. Coupons are created in the Coupons' administrator page
Menu assignments
Payment page An optional menu item where all payments will be processed. It defaults to 'home'
Payment return page An optional return page when a payment has been made. It will default to 'home' if no menu item has been specifically assigned after a payment has been processed
No access When the user tries to access a restricted resource, he/she does not have access to, show a specific page instead of the payment view.
Does not apply to 'Pay to read more' functionality
No access page The menu item of the 'no access' page
No access text If no menu item is selected, the content to show when users have no access to a resource
User registration
Login in payment view Shows a login form in the payment view if the user is not authenticated
Quick registration Enable quick registration when buying a license without the need of receiving an email activation link

When assigning menu items on a multilingual site, the menu item used is the one associated with the selected one