Category: Trombinoscope Contacts

Converting fields

Trombinoscope Contacts

Joomla 3.7+ Pro
Trombinoscope Contacts Pro offers an extra tool to help transfer data from the Add key contact fields content plugin, data from core phone fields or data from custom fields of type Text filtered as Tel to custom fields.

There are advantages in using custom fields over the additional fields of this plugin:

There are advantages in using third-party phone custom fields over the phone fields packaged in core Joomla:

Go to the menu Components -> Trombinoscope Contacts Pro -> Convert Fields


Field The field you want to get the data from:
- additional fields (from the plugin packaged with the extension),
- phone,
- mobile,
- fax,
- custom fields of type Text with filter Tel
Contact Categories Transfer data from the selected categories of contacts


Custom field The field you want the data sent to
Update existing Replace the previous value, if any. Useful when needing to convert the fields in several passes, when errors occur
Mask The mask to use to format the source value. Leave empty to keep the source unchanged.
Use # to represent every digit. If the number of digits is different from the source and the target, there will be a warning and information about what to fix in the source value

For instance, the mask (###) ###-#### will format the phone number source 012/3456789 into (012) 345-6789

There is a special process for the gender field. You must specify the values of the new field for male, female and the third gender (the third value is not mandatory).

The fields source and target must be of similar types. If not, you will be notified.

Field Source Target  
Gender radio radio, list if target values are missing, they will be m, f and c
Birthdate calendar calendar  
text text  
Summary editor editor  
Map text url if missing, the protocol https:// will be added
Skype text text  
Facebook... text text, url if the target is of url type, links are automatically created
Phone text any custom field type mask possible
Mobile text any custom field type mask possible
Fax text any custom field type mask possible
Custom field of type Text with filter Tel text any custom field type mask possible