Category: Weblink Logos

Module: filtering (item selection)

Weblink Logos
Related Use the module to show related items with the main content of the page. Items are related through tags.
Note the tags match type is also used by related tags
Category filter
  • Include includes the selected categories
  • Exclude excludes the selected categories, therefore including all the other ones
Categories Select the weblink categories (single or multiple selection)
Subcategories Automatically selects the next level or all levels of a category
  • No do not include children of the selected categories
  • Level include X levels of the selected categories
  • All levels include all subcategories of the selected categories
Maximum level depth The depth level (starting at 1) when selecting 'level' in subcategories
Category order The order of the categories
  • Console by administration console order
  • Title by category name/title order
Tags filter
  • Include includes the selected tags
  • Exclude excludes the selected tags (irrelevant in the context of related by tags)
Tags Select which tags the weblinks must have
Include children Include the children of the selected tags
Tags match type The way the tags must match the element tags
  • All the element tags must match all tags
  • Any the element tags must match at least one of the tags
Custom fields A selection of custom fields one can filter with. Learn how to use fields as filters in this tutorial.
Use as many fields as needed, but be aware that multiplying the number of fields may have performance impact issues
Custom field The field used for filtering (showing here, custom fields of type list, checkboxes, radio and sql)
Filter Include or exclude the values that are set in the following parameter
Values The list of the values the items must have or not have to be selected, comma separated
Exclude IDs Exclude weblinks from the list of selected ones (comma separated)

Example 20,34,47

Include IDs/Only IDs Include only these weblinks (comma separated).
Use in conjunction with order 'Manual' to order the items in the way they are specified in this parameter
Ordering The order in which the items are presented
  • None no order specified
  • Title by the weblink title (alphabetical)
  • Console by administration console order
  • Hits by number of hits or popularity
  • Random randomly
  • Created creation date
  • Modified modification date
  • Published publication date
  • Manual by ids specified in the Only IDs parameter
Direction The direction of the order.
  • Ascending
  • Descending
Enforce language On multi-lingual sites, allows you to select items with the same language as the language of the page or mix items of different languages
Max count The maximum number of items that will show. Leave blank to show all items
Start at Show items starting at item number

Weblinks 3.7 introduced the support of custom fields.
Weblink Logos will show custom fields (as a selection) if the Weblinks extension's configuration has enabled them.

Go to Global configuration -> Weblinks -> Integration tab. Then set Enable custom fields to 'yes'.