Category: Weblink Logos

Directory view: pagination

Weblink Logos


Pagination results Shows the number of pages
Total Shows the total number of items
Display select  Shows the dropdown list for the number of items per page
Selectable values The coma separated values that the user can select in the dropdown.
0 will show the all selection in the appropriate language
Example 5,10,15 will only show 5, 10 or 15 contacts per page
# of cards per page Gives the possibility to show a fixed number of items per page (hides the display select in this case)


Position 1/2
New 4.1 Index
 Select the desired index to show before the item list
  • Categories an index of categories
  • Tags an index of tags
  • [custom field of type 'list', 'checkboxes', 'radio' or 'SQL'] any custom field of list, checkboxes, radio or New SQL type. This will be a one-selection field, even if the custom field is set to be 'multiple'
New 4.1
The layout style for the index
  • Flat list all items are shown as a one-dimensional list, regardless of hierarchy
  • Selection box a select box
New 4.1
A label for the index
Position 1/2
New 4.1 Index
 Select the desired index to show after the item list
  • Categories an index of categories
  • Tags an index of tags
  • [custom field of type 'list', 'checkboxes', 'radio' or 'SQL'] any custom field of list, checkboxes, radio or New SQL type. This will be a one-selection field, even if the custom field is set to be 'multiple'
New 4.1
The layout style for the index
  • Flat list all items are shown as a one-dimensional list, regardless of hierarchy
  • Selection box a select box
New 4.1
A label for the index
Categories index - all selected categories are shown
Removed in 4.1
Show as
Show the index as list (all categories show one after the other, regardless of them being categories/sub-categories) or selection box
Removed in 4.1
Optional label used when showing the categories as select box
Pre-selected category The category that is pre-selected when entering the menu item view
Category order The order of the categories in the index
  • none
  • selection the same order as the category order from the item selection (Filtering tab)
  • order the administration console order (ascending or descending)
  • title order by category name (ascending or descending)
Disabled categories Categories that show but are not selectable in the selection box
Hierarchy Show the hierarchy of the categories in the selection box
Restriction all children must have the same top root parent (selected or not)
Images Show the basic image option of the category's teaser image
Default image The image to show when there is no image associated with the category and show images has been selected
Tags index - all weblink-related tags are shown
Removed in 4.1
Show as
Show the index as list (all tags show one after the other, regardless of them being tags/sub-tags) or selection box
Removed in 4.1
Optional label used when showing the tags as select box
Tag order The order of the tags in the index
  • none
  • order the administration console order (ascending or descending)
  • title order by tag name (ascending or descending)
Images Show the basic image option of the tag’s teaser image
Default image The image to show when there is no image associated with the tag and show images has been selected
Use tag classes The distinct tags get skinned from the classes that are set for each tag in the tags component

The index use layouts that can be overridden (more layout information in the Common information section).

A clear button is shown whenever an index and/or the search field are shown (to remove it, use CSS or override the wlpsearch.php layout).

Weblinks 3.7 introduced the support of custom fields.
Weblink Logos will show custom fields (as a selection) if the Weblinks extension's configuration has enabled them.

Go to Global configuration -> Weblinks -> Integration tab. Then set Enable custom fields to 'yes'.