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exclamation-circle Related articles feature problems

7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #4903 by r_palczewski
Related articles feature problems was created by r_palczewski
I bought the "Latest News Enhanced Pro" specially for related articles but this feature seems useless at its form.
I can't find any option to set position of a module at the end of each article. Setting it by paragraph is not a good solution at all (only when someone wants it at the beggining).
"Related by" options are very poor. In my case, I need to relate articles by tags and there should be an option to set a minimum number of matching tags (not only one or all) and an additional option to order those items by number of matching tags.
If there is a possibility to set this what I want to accomplish please help me and tell me what to do (I can even inject some code to the source).
If not, please take this to consideration as suggestions for future relases.
I think that you should take a closer look to this plugin, it seems that some options don't work, like layouts, I tried to set 3 related items (33% width each) in a row with no result, maybe I set something wrong... I tried many variations of available options and they seems to not work with this plugin.
greets, r.
Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by r_palczewski.

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7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #4904 by syw
Replied by syw on topic Related articles feature problems

The related article plugin is meant to work after a certain number of paragraphs. That means that articles that will receive the 'related articles in content' output must have a certain number of paragraphs in the content, ie <p> tags. If the content has 4 paragraphs and you set the module instance of Latest News Enhanced Pro (LNEP) to show after the 5th, for instance, the related articles won't show.

What you are trying to do (adding related articles at the end of articles) can be done differently if you have a template position available under the content. In that case, do not use the plugin but use LNEP in that position of the template and use the module instance normally by using the 'Use as related' parameter.

'Related by ' options are limited to what is possible to do in the database query. 'Match at least 2 tags', for instance, is impossible to do in the query and would require extra processing after the request has been returned, with poor performance. That is why that option is not offered.
Consider this: when using the related feature, you are trying to match one article with all the others in the database (hopefully narrowed down to some categories to limit the search), which requires intensive processing time.

Finally, the plugin 'related articles in content' ONLY sets the module in a specific position of an article content. All regular parameters (such as layout) are independent of the plugin and are set by the module. Therefore, if the module instance you have created 'works' in a simple template position (in your trials), it will work with the plugin.

Hope this helps!

Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by syw.

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7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #4905 by syw
Replied by syw on topic Related articles feature problems
Following your requirements and after consideration, I decided to work on the following features (there will be a big warning about potential performance issues):
- add a field 'Any X' that will show when 'Any' for the tag parameter is selected. It will default to '1' (like that it will cover requirements such as 'match any 2 tags'),
- add an item order 'by matching tags DESC' (that will force items to be ordered from the most matching tags to the least matching tags).

In order to improve the plugin 'related article in content', I will add the possibility to show the related items before the content of the article and just after the content. When using the paragraph numbers, I will also add the option to fall back to after the content.

This should cover your requirements and improve the module and plugin when it comes to related content.

Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by syw.

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7 years 4 months ago #4906 by r_palczewski
Replied by r_palczewski on topic Related articles feature problems
I've posted my reply before I've seen yours :)
It's great to "hear" this. I'm waiting to see it in action :)
greets, r.

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7 years 4 months ago #4907 by syw
Replied by syw on topic Related articles feature problems
Hello, I am done implementing all the missing options and improved the plugin.
If you would like to test the upcoming update, please contact me at [email protected] with the email address you would like the file to be sent to.
Thank you!


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7 years 4 months ago #4909 by r_palczewski
Replied by r_palczewski on topic Related articles feature problems
I sent you an e-mail, I can't wait to test it ;)
best regards,

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