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Introduction: SEO-friendly, responsive and interactive slideshows

Truly Responsive Slides

Updated: July 07, 2024
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Create slideshows that are responsive, SEO-friendly and interactive by just using simple images, article content or K2 items.

Published in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)

3 reviews
97ease of use
Last reviewed Oct 06, 2020. Add your own review!
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish

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Create slideshows that are responsive, SEO-friendly and interactive by just using simple images, article content or K2 items.

Published in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)

3 reviews
97ease of use
Last reviewed Oct 06, 2020. Add your own review!
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish

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There is no support for Joomla versions 3.1 to 3.7. Make sure you update to Joomla 3.10 for a smooth transition to Joomla 4.


  • any image, standard Joomla article or K2 item sets can be used as source for the slides,
  • source images are used to create the slide's background,
  • source content is used as content for a slide, in any position,
  • create sliders from 2 different slider types,
  • add slide transition options (speed, auto start...),
  • touch-enabled animations,
  • comprehensive interface when familiar with slideshow software,
  • customizable navigation arrows,
  • adaptive and SEO friendly content,
  • Bootstrap 2, 3 and 4 compatible,
  • cached and minimized stylesheets and scripts.

Going pro with Truly Responsive Slides Pro

Upgrade to the pro version 'Truly Responsive Slides Pro' for more sliders, tooltips and support for image breakpoints!

Upgrading to the commercial version will keep all of your module instances settings intact.

Check out Truly Responsive Slides Pro now!

Discover Truly Responsive Slides Pro

Free vs Pro

Features FreeGo free ProGo pro
create slides from image directory, Joomla articles or K2 items Yes Yes
filter articles and K2 items by category, tags, Hot custom fields Yes Yes
slider types Basic (default)
Basic (default)
Carousel of thumbnails
Carousel of thumbnails that auto-hides
slide background image article full text/K2 item image article full text/K2 item image
custom field of media type/K2 extra field of image type
show text with html formatting Yes Yes
customizable arrows Yes Yes
add tooltips to slides No Yes
transitions Yes Yes
breakpoints to target smaller devices No Yes
JPG, PNG, WebP, Avif image support Yes Yes
pictures and header caching Yes Yes
Bootstrap compatible Bootstrap compatibility 2, 3, 4 and 5 2, 3, 4 and 5
updates Yes Yes
report issues Yes Yes
forum support read-only
no post
unless you own a valid basic membership
email support No
unless you own a valid basic membership
Features Go free Go pro
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