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Documentation: documentation/latest-news/the-list-of-options
Forum: forum/16-latest-news-enhanced
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Latest update: 2024-10-15
Introduction: The Swiss army knife for your latest articles

Latest News Enhanced

Updated: October 15, 2024
Go pro Demo J!4 Documentation Forum

Latest News Enhanced is an enhanced version of the latest news module included in Joomla.

Published in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)

31 reviews
100ease of use
Last reviewed Jul 22, 2023. Add your own review!
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish

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Latest News Enhanced is an enhanced version of the latest news module included in Joomla.

Published in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)

31 reviews
100ease of use
Last reviewed Jul 22, 2023. Add your own review!
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish

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There is no support for Joomla versions 3.1 to 3.7. Make sure you update to Joomla 3.10 for a smooth transition to Joomla 4.
Joomla 3.1 - 3.7

Additional downloads

Clear the image cache automatically every time articles are edited.


  • multiple ways to select news articles (standard Joomla! or K2): by categories, tags, authors, date
  • exclude/include specific items,
  • show related items (through keywords or tags matching),
  • configure items with images from the article or calendar,
  • link to articles from the title and/or 'read more' links (in full page or popup),
  • style items from a responsive-ready design,
  • use a minimum width to limit how small an item can be when resized,
  • crop and resize the pictures to fit the configuration (thumbnails can be stored in /images),
  • style images with hover effects,
  • limit the into text to be shown,
  • add detailed information (author, hits, ratings, categories, date, time, keywords),
  • format dates and times,
  • add pagination,
  • style buttons and pagination with Bootstrap,
  • enjoy a clean, easy to understand user interface,
  • cache the created on-the-fly stylesheets and scripts for faster loading...

Live stream

Featured at Basic Joomla Tutorials hosted by Tim Davis.
It was streamed live on Mar 31, 2021.

Going pro with Latest News Enhanced Pro

Upgrade to the extended version 'Latest News Enhanced Pro' for more styles, calendars, support for social media, animations, blog views, lazy loading of images and so much more!

Upgrading to the commercial version will keep all of your module instances settings intact and will unlock the remaining functionality of the module.

Discover Latest News Enhanced Pro

Discover Latest News Enhanced Pro

Free vs Pro

Features FreeGo free ProGo pro
  better for showing items in a simple way tons of options to apply animations, complex layouts, additional data and menu item views
choose between Joomla articles or K2 items Yes Yes
add data sources other than articles or K2 items (like newsfeeds) No Yes
show related items only Yes Yes
related to contact
related to Community Builder user profile
preview unauthorized items No Yes
show X items starting at position Y Yes Yes
filter items by category, tags, keywords, authors, dates (including custom fields), Hot custom fields Yes Yes
order by article date, article title, article popularity, category, author or randomly Yes Yes
Hot replace title and/or text with custom field data (Joomla 3.7+) No Yes
layout styles Original (default)
Original (Modern)
Original (default)
Original (Modern)
Full Width
+ additional downloads
color schemes 5 unlimited
leading items No Yes
show elements image from content,
image from content,
image from intro, full or K2 image,
author, K2 avatar,
Hot Joomla 3.7 custom fields of type media or calendar,
Hot K2 extra field of type image or date,
Hot in-house custom field of type SYW Icon,
Hot third-party custom fields of type video
limit the image search to the intro text No Yes
link to item
item in modal window
item in modal window,
inline items,
item links A, B or C,
Hot Joomla 3.7 custom field of type url,
Hot K2 extra field of type link
show categories first, last and before title positions first, last, before title and over picture positions
categories links  Joomla contact category view Joomla contact category view
extension's blog view
GIF, JPG, PNG, WebP and Avif image support Yes Yes
create high-definition images for devices with high pixel ratio (like retina screens) No Yes
lazy load images No Yes
use calendar style Original (default) Original (default)
Simple Sided
Complex Sided
+ additional downloads
limit or show whole text with or without html formatting Yes Yes
show item information

5 possible fields among
read more
9 possible fields (unlimited in Joomla 3.8+ !) among 
selected tags
links A, B and/or C
read more
social media share
JComments, K2 comments count
Hot + K2 extra fields
Hot + Joomla 3.7+ custom fields
Hot + fields available through additional plugins
Hot + add your own
information icons Default icons only Icon picker
override information layouts No Yes
restrict access to information No Yes
social media shares No Facebook
Hot add your own
pagination Yes Yes
+ pagination at module title level
filter content: categories / tags / authors / period / Hot custom fields No Yes
in blog views
animations No Yes
+ additional downloads
pictures and header caching Yes Yes
Hot plugin Related News in Article No Yes
Hot Extend the module through plugins No Yes
add your own information types and data sources
(like Newsfeeds)
Hot Create blog views (menu item instances) with infinite-like scrolling No Yes
Hot Create list views (menu item instances) for a table-like layout No Yes
Search and category, tag, author index in blog views No Yes
Bootstrap compatible Bootstrap compatibility 2, 3, 4 and 5 2, 3, 4 and 5
updates Yes Yes
report issues Yes Yes
forum support read-only
no post
unless you own a valid basic membership
email support No
unless you own a valid basic membership
Features Go free Go pro
 You can only download and purchase extensions on this site or through the Joomla administrator console.

If you downloaded or purchased Simplify Your Web extensions from another site (or received commercial software for free against a subscription), you are subject to malware infection, are not supporting the work of the developers and are not entitled to any assistance.

Don't get scammed into buying a license in exchange for services or goods not offered on this site. You will never receive those goods. Never share your account information.