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Troubleshoot: the module breaks the site after save

First published July 02, 2024
1260 hits - No rating

If a module breaks your site after a simple 'save', you are most likely using the extension 'Advanced Module Manager'.
The 'Advanced Module Manager' replaces the tags's condition with its own and raises a compatibility issue.
Luckily, there are 2 possible workarounds until I accommodate my extensions to work with Advanced Module Manager.


How to add a hamburger menu with sliding pane in the Bare 960 Responsive template

First published November 12, 2023
2377 hits -

In many situations, the main menu of a site may be too big for consumption on a mobile device. One of the many techniques to make a menu responsive and mobile-friendly, is to have the menu transform into a 'hamburger'-style icon (hence, the 'hamburger' menu name) once the site's viewport becomes too small.

The selection of the hamburger icon then results in the opening of a pane, which contains the then hidden menu.

The Bare 960 Responsive template features that functionality out of the box.

When Joomla 4 came out, the CodeMirror editor has had a language string modification.
From the 3 arguments that were passed on to the language string, it now only requires 2.

So why is your Simplify Your Web extension breaking in the backend?
Because it uses the editor CodeMirror in quite a few places in its parameters.

What's the fix?
It's an easy one, actually.
Just make sure you update the language files, it is most likely that they are outdated and do not reflect the change made for CodeMirror.

To update a language (if you have not received a notification), go to System -> Install -> Languages and re-install the language(s) in use in the backend.

And voilà!


Add font icons to menu items on your site (Joomla 3)

First published September 06, 2016
8549 hits -
Menu Icons Menu Icons

Adding a pictogramme to a menu item is visually appealing and useful to visitors of a site.
Joomla!'s core allows the use of images for such task (link image parameter), but font icons have a definite advantage over them:

  • Icons resize and look sharp on any device,
  • their color can be changed easily through the use of CSS,
  • no more loading of images,
  • the icons may already be loaded on the page through the template's fonts.


Using custom fields to select items in Simplify Your Web extensions

First published December 11, 2021
3804 hits -

Simplify Your Web extensions have a very extensive array of options when it comes to selecting articles, contacts or weblinks, so you can really target a specific set of items to present to the visitors of your sites. I have just added to the list of filters the possibility to use custom fields as selectors.


Moving Simplify Your Web extensions from Joomla 3.10 to 4

First published July 23, 2021
4932 hits - No rating

The migration from Joomla 3.10 to Joomla 4 for Simplify Your Web extensions is fairly simple, but there are still a few rules to follow for a smooth transition.


Create a hidden menu item for search results

First published August 24, 2011
8601 hits -

You want to see search results in a specific page, have modules associated to that page but do not want to have a specific menu item for it. Why? Because you already have a search box in your template and therefore do not need a menu item for it. And modules need to be associated to a specific page unless they are supposed to show on all of them.


This set of articles have been created in order to increase people's awareness about the Simplify Your Web products.
It is aiming to show how those products can be used and point out not-so-well-known functionality.