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file Adding writer and number of articles per writer in selection

8 years 3 weeks ago #4691 by syw
Selection by author has been added to the upcoming version of the module.
Nevertheless, there is a major performance overhead when it comes to the feature I wanted to add (allowing X items per category or per author).
I am working on trying to find the best possible solution.


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8 years 3 weeks ago #4693 by horssen
Thanks, that is good news.

Perhaps that reading all articles for all writers/categories and store them in an internal table sorted per writer/category and appropiate date will help. Afterwards loop over the table and only keep the first x artcles per writer/category. Perhaps that this will help to improve the performance.

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8 years 3 weeks ago #4695 by syw
Thank you for your insight.
This is a module and I really have to study this issue before getting into a full blown application solution that adds in complexity. Modules are not standalone and multiple instances can co-exist on a page with possibly totally different outputs. Multiplying tables also means that they need to stay in sync at all times... We get into database administration territory here.


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