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Blog view: layout

Latest News Enhanced

Pro v4+

Items spacing
The kind of spacing between the items
start Alignment start
end Alignment end
center Alignment center
space between Alignment space between
space around Alignment space around
space evenly Alignment space evenly
Items alignment The alignment of the items
stretch Alignment stretch
Forces items on a same row to have same height, whenever possible
start Alignment start
center Alignment center
end Alignment end

Leading items

Parameters for the leading items
Parameters for the leading items
Leading count The number of items with a configuration different from the rest of the items (usually one per line)
Item width The width of the items (usually between 50 and 100%)
Item min width The minimum width of the item
Item max width The maximum width of the item
Space between The space between the items on a row (that space will be divided by 2 and create margins left and right)
Space after The bottom margin to add to the items
Line break after all Separate leading items and the remaining ones with a line break (breaks the flow of the items)
Head type The element to add to the item
Image from content
Looks for images inside the article / K2 item content (introduction and the remaining of the content). The first image found is selected
Image intro
Selects the image intro from the article
Image full
Selects the image full from the article
K2 K2 image
Selects the K2 image
Image from content -> intro -> full K2 Image from content -> K2 image
If no image in content, look for image intro then image full (or look for the K2 image when using K2)
Intro -> full -> image from content K2 K2 image -> image from content
If no image intro, look for image full (or if no K2 image when using K2) then image from content
New 7.0 Category image
Use the image of the category the item is part of
Author (contact)
Selects the author's contact picture if linked to a contact
warning if authors are linked to several contacts, articles will be duplicated
K2 Author (K2 avatar)
Selects the K2 user avatar linked to the author
K2 extra field of type image
Joomla 3.7+
Custom field of type media
Joomla 3.7+
User custom field of type media
Creates a calendar from the specified date
K2 extra field of type date
Joomla 3.7+
Custom field of type calendar
Joomla 3.7+
Custom field of type SYW Icon (see the Head: Icon section)
Video type Pro v4.9+ Joomla 3.7+
Custom field of video type made available for the extension in the global configuration settings (also see the Head: Video section)
Include fulltext When searching for images in the content, it is possible to extend the search to the full article / K2 item, not just its introduction section.
Limiting the search to the intro section of the content will limit server memory consumption and will be less intensive
Head width The maximum width of the additional element.
New v6.0 Set to 0 to use the original image with its own dimensions
Head height The maximum height of the additional element.
New v6.0 Set to 0 to use the original image with its own dimensions
Keep space Keeps the space as if the additional element was existing but is missing for that particular item
Position The position of the head in relation to the remaining item body
  • left
  • right
  • alternate left/right alternate between left and right, starting left
  • alternate right/left alternate between left and right, starting right
  • top
  • bottom
  • alternate top/bottom alternate between top and bottom, starting top
  • alternate bottom/top alternate between top and bottom, starting bottom
Alignment The alignment of the head when positioned at top or bottom
  • Default takes the value dictated by the selected style
  • Left left align
  • Right right align
  • Center centered
Set this value if the remaining items' head alignment is set to a value other than 'default'
Alignment The alignment of the text inside the body
  • Default takes the value dictated by the selected style
  • Left left align
  • Right right align
  • Center centered
Set this value if the remaining items' body alignment is set to a value other than 'default'
Element The element to use as title. The default is the article/K2 item title. But you can also select:
  • K2 any K2 extra field of type textfield
  • Joomla 3.7+ any custom field of type text

Note When the custom/extra field is empty and there is a default value, the default value is used. If the default value is missing, the title defaults to the article/K2 item title

Letter count max The maximum amount of letters for the title. No value means that we want to show the whole title. A value of 0 will hide it
Truncate last word When the text is truncated, it is possible to leave the last word intact or allow it to be truncated to get closer to the letter count max.
Force one line Forces the title to show in one line only (no matter the resizing of the page)
It does not take into account the letter count max, but rather adds ... when it cannot fit on the line
HTML header tag The header tag (h1 .. h6) applied to the title
Under theming in v4.9
Font size reference
The font size in respect to the template used. The remaining of the item is based on that size
Letter count max The maximum number of letters to show for the text. An empty field will show the whole text. A value of 0 will hide the text
Truncate last word When the text is truncated, it is possible to leave the last word intact or allow it to be truncated to get closer to the letter count max.
Strip tags Removes the HTML tags from the text
Keep tags The HTML tags that can be kept in the text and won't be removed
Example <strong><a> will keep the bold html style and the links only. Use <br> for new lines
Trigger events Triggering the onContentPrepare event will call the plugins that are present in the intro text. Set to 'no', the plugins will not be called and the plugins syntax { ... } will be removed from the cropped text
Wrap Wrap the text around the additional element, if the theme used allows it

Remaining items

Parameters for the remaining items
Parameters for the remaining items
Items width The width of the items
Example 48% will show 2 items per line, with additional room for margins
Item min width The minimum width of the item under which the item won't get any smaller
Item max width The maximum width of the item over which the item won't get any bigger
Space between The space between the items on a row (that space will be divided by 2 and create margins left and right)
Space after The bottom margin to add to the items
Head type The element to add to the item (see explanations in the leading items section)
Image from content
Image intro
Image full
K2 K2 image
Image from content -> intro -> full K2 Image from content -> K2 image
Intro -> full -> image from content K2 K2 image -> image from content
New 7.0 Category image
Author (contact)
K2 Author (K2 avatar)
K2 K2 extra field of type image
Joomla 3.7+ Custom field of type media
Joomla 3.7+ User custom field of type media
K2 K2 extra field of type date
Joomla 3.7+ Custom field of type calendar
Joomla 3.7+ Custom field of type SYW Icon
Pro v4.9+ Joomla 3.7+ Custom field of video type as recorded in the global configuration settings
Include fulltext When searching for images in the content, it is possible to extend the search to the full article / K2 item, not just its introduction section.
Limiting the search to the intro section of the content will limit server memory consumption and will be less intensive
Head width The maximum width of the additional element.
New v6.0 Set to 0 to use the original image with its own dimensions
Head height The maximum height of the additional element.
New v6.0 Set to 0 to use the original image with its own dimensions
Keep space Keeps the space as if the additional element was existing but is missing for that particular item
Position The position of the head in relation to the remaining item body
  • left
  • right
  • alternate left/right alternate between left and right, starting left
  • alternate right/left alternate between left and right, starting right
  • top
  • bottom
  • alternate top/bottom alternate between top and bottom, starting top
  • alternate bottom/top alternate between top and bottom, starting bottom
Alignment The alignment of the head when positioned at top or bottom
  • Default takes the value dictated by the selected style
  • Left left align
  • Right right align
  • Center centered
Alignment The alignment of the text inside the body
  • Default takes the value dictated by the selected style
  • Left left align
  • Right right align
  • Center centered
Element The element to use as title. The default is the article/K2 item title. But you can also select:
  • K2 any K2 extra field of type textfield
  • Joomla 3.7+ any custom field of type text

Note When the custom/extra field is empty and there is a default value, the default value is used. If the default value is missing, the title defaults to the article/K2 item title

Letter count max The maximum amount of letters for the title. No value means that we want to show the whole title. A value of 0 will hide it
Truncate last word When the text is truncated, it is possible to leave the last word intact or allow it to be truncated to get closer to the letter count max.
Force one line Forces the title to show in one line only (no matter the resizing of the page)
It does not take into account the letter count max, but rather adds ... when it cannot fit on the line
HTML header tag The header tag (h1 .. h6) applied to the title
Under theming in v4.9
Font size reference
The font size in respect to the template used. The remaining of the item is based on that size
Letter count max The maximum number of letters to show for the text. An empty field will show the whole text. A value of 0 will hide the text
Truncate last word When the text is truncated, it is possible to leave the last word intact or allow it to be truncated to get closer to the letter count max.
Strip tags Removes the HTML tags from the text
Keep tags The HTML tags that can be kept in the text and won't be removed
Example <strong><a> will keep the bold html style and the links only. Use <br> for new lines
Trigger events Triggering the onContentPrepare event will call the plugins that are present in the intro text. Set to 'no', the plugins will not be called and the plugins syntax { ... } will be removed from the cropped text
Wrap Wrap the text around the additional element, if the theme used allows it

All items

Parameters for all items
Parameters for all items
Text introduction Which text to show
  • Intro The text, before the 'read more' or the full text if no 'read more' exists
  • Intro -> Meta description if no intro text, use meta description
  • Meta description The text from the meta description, from the 'publishing' section
  • Meta description -> Intro if no meta description, use intro text
  • New Intro + remaining text The text, regardless of the 'read more'
  • K2 any K2 extra field of type textarea
  • Joomla 3.7+ any custom field of type textarea
  • Joomla 3.7+ any custom field of type editor

Note Custom/extra field's default value is not used

Unauthorized text Whenever unauthorized items are shown, show or hide the introduction text
Replacement text An optional text that will show in place of the introduction text if the introduction text cannot be seen
Link on The element(s) to link (select any or all)
  • Title the link is added to the title
  • Head the additional element (image or icon) is linking to the item
  • Read more adds a 'read more' type link
  • Read more appended to text adds a link at the end of the intro text
Prior to 5.0
Link to
What is used as a link
  • Article/K2 item the item link
  • Article/K2 item in modal window the item will open in a modal window (in print mode)
  • Link A links to the Joomla article's link A
  • Link B links to the Joomla article's link B
  • Link C links to the Joomla article's link C
  • K2 K2 extra field of type link
  • Joomla 3.7+ Custom field of type url (http, https and mailto schemes only)
Warning Do not open items into a modal window when showing unauthorized links (issues with the login form in a modal)
Note Links A, B or C will open in the parent window, a new window, a popup or a modal one depending on the targets that are set in the article (global values are taken into account)
Note The K2 extra field links open depending on the settings of the field (lightbox is replaced by modal)
Note The url custom fields open in a new window unless internal
New 5.0
Link to
What is used as a link
  • Item the item link (article or K2 item)
  • Link A links to the Joomla article's link A
  • Link B links to the Joomla article's link B
  • Link C links to the Joomla article's link C
  • K2 K2 extra field of type link
  • Joomla 3.7+ Custom field of type url (http, https and mailto schemes only)
  • New v6.10 Joomla 4 Custom field of type ACF URL (Advanced Custom Fields from
Note: ACF URL allows you to set tooltip/accessibility information from its link text parameter. If empty, the article title is used instead. Set Link target to 'default' to use the link's parameter Open in.
New 5.0
Link target
Where the link will be open
  • default the default behavior (for instance, links A, B or C use the article's settings)
  • same window the link opens in the same window or browser tab
  • new window the link opens in a new window or browser tab
  • modal the link opens into a modal
  • popup window the link opens in a separate popup
  • do not open items into a modal window when showing unauthorized links (issues with the login form in a modal),
  • custom fields with the mailto: protocol can't open into a modal or a popup window.
Link fallback When links A, B or C, K2 extra field of type link or custom field of type url are missing, use the item link instead
Popup width The width of the modal window when showing the article in a popup
Popup height The height of the modal window when showing the article in a popup
Follow The follow/nofollow option for indexing robots
Tooltip Show or hide the tooltip over the link
Always show Always show the link or only when the text has been cropped
Edit link Allow the edition of items whenever the logged user has edit permissions. It will add a pen icon after the title, linked to the item for direct edition. Unpublished items are shown and editable depending on user permissions.

Users must have a combination of Edit, Edit state, Edit own permissions, depending on your requirements.

K2 access permissions are set in the K2 component. To edit, authors must be part of a user group that has edit permissions (a combination of Frontend item editingEdit own items, Edit any items and Allow edition of already published items, depending on requirements).
Limitation: K2 authors cannot see and edit unpublished items from other authors even if they have 'Edit any item' permissions.

Find more information in the tutorial Edit unpublished articles or K2 items in the front end of your site with Latest News Enhanced
Read more
Link label The label for the link
Unauthorized link label The label to show when the items link to unauthorized content
Under theming in v4.9
The link style, following the theme default style or using Bootstrap
Under theming in v4.9
Bootstrap type
The link type (as defined by Bootstrap)
  • Default button
  • Primary button
  • Info button
  • Inverse button Only in Bootstrap 2
  • Link
Under theming in v4.9
Bootstrap size
The size of the label (as defined by Bootstrap)
  • Default
  • Small
  • Mini Only in Bootstrap 2 and 3
Under theming in v4.9
CSS Classes
The CSS classes that can be added to the link (space separated)

Example btn btn-default will create a Bootstrap-style button if your template supports Bootstrap. Use code that is related to the version of Bootstrap your template is using (2,3 or 4)

Alignment The label alignment in the overall configuration
  • Default takes the style as dictated by the theme
  • Left left align
  • Right right align
  • Center centered
Position The placement of the categories in the layout (select any or all).
  • First First element in the item layout (not all themes)
  • Before title Before the item title
  • Last Last element in the body part of the item (not all themes)
  • Over head Over the head (image or video), if there is one, and in selected themes (Overlap won't show the category over the head for instance)
Link to Whether the category is linked and what it needs to link to
  • None The category is not linked
  • Standard The category opens a Content or K2 category view (it should exist to avoid unexpected behavior)
  • Extension view to link the category to another view created with the extension
  • Self Filters the current view by that category
View The extension's view the category should link to
Link label A specific label to use instead of the article’s category name
Unauthorized link label The label to show when the items link to unauthorized content
Tooltip Show or hide the tooltip over the linked category
Under theming in v4.9
The link style, following the theme default style or using Bootstrap
Under theming in v4.9
Bootstrap type
The link type (as defined by Bootstrap)
  • Default button
  • Primary button
  • Info button
  • Inverse button Only in Bootstrap 2
  • Link
Under theming in v4.9
Bootstrap size
The size of the label (as defined by Bootstrap)
  • Default
  • Small
  • Mini Only in Bootstrap 2 and 3
Under theming in v4.9
CSS Classes
The CSS classes that can be added to the link (space separated)

Example btn btn-default will create a Bootstrap-style button if your template supports Bootstrap. Use code that is related to the version of Bootstrap your template is using (2,3 or 4)

Alignment The label alignment in the overall configuration
  • Default takes the style as dictated by the theme
  • Left left aligned
  • Right right aligned
  • Center centered

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