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Module: Information

Latest News Enhanced

These parameters take care of the specificities of the information blocs.

Under theming in v4.9
Font size
The font size in comparison to the font size of reference
Under theming in v4.9
The font for the blocs of information
Separator The symbol/text that separates each bloc of information.
Blank space allowed. 2 consecutives spaces are considered one space
Under theming in v4.9
Icons color
The color of the icons when shown. The icons are selected from an icon font
Free v4+ Pro v4.0-4.8

Information block

Removed from Pro v4.9+
Where to put this information compared to the text
Pro v4.9+

Information over head/block before title/after title/before text/after text

The information details for the article item.
Body: Information

Information over head: will add the information over image and video heads only. In themes where the text is over the head (like for Overlap), information from that section will not show. 

Information (free 5 fields Pro 9 fields Pro for Joomla 3.8+ unlimited)
Show icon A possible icon to precede the text
Free v7.0 Pro
Select an icon that will override the default one
Prepend text The text that can be optionally prepended to the information

Example Add Written by  to add 'Written by ' before the author's name (don't forget the space after 'by')

Type The type of information to show
  • Hits the hit count
  • Rating the item rating
  • Author the item author
  • Date the date selected
  • Pro v4+ Days Ago/Yesterday/Today the date selected, showing as
  • Pro v4+ Days/Hours/Minutes Ago the date selected, showing as
  • Pro v4+ Days Hours Minutes Ago the date selected, showing as
  • Time the time of the date selected
  • Category the item category
  • Pro Tags the item tags
  • Pro Selected tags the item tags used in the selection of the data (does not work with the 'excluded' setting)
  • Keywords the item meta keywords
  • Pro Links A, B or C the article links A, B or C
  • Pro Links A B C the article links A, B and C
  • Pro Links A B C newline separated
  • Read more the read more link
  • Pro Share icons the share icons selected
  • Pro no support Joomla 4 JComments Comments count the item comment count when using JComments
  • Pro no support Joomla 4 JComments Linked comments count the item comment count when using JComments with link to the comment section of the item
  • Pro K2 Comments count the item comment count when using K2
  • Pro K2 Linked comments count the item comment count when using K2 with link to the comment section of the item
  • Pro K2 Extra Fields K2 extra fields of type 'textfield', 'textarea', 'select', 'multipleSelect', 'radio', 'link' and 'date'
  • Pro Joomla 3.7+ Joomla Fields Joomla custom fields of type 'calendar', 'checkboxes', 'email', 'integer', 'list', 'radio', 'text', 'textarea', 'editor', 'url' (http, https and mailto schemes only) and sql
Pro More options become available when LatestNewsEnhanced plugins are installed.
Append new line Creates a new line after the selected information
Free v7.0 Pro
The access level group allowed to see that information
New Layout An alternate layout to apply to the field (in most cases, use 'Default') - the layouts are found in the extension's layout overrides in all templates

Information block (inline items)

The information details for the item that shows inline (below the list of the module items).

Information : 3 fields

Note These will show before the item's text
Warning You cannot use: read more, share icons and all comments types

Selected information specifics

Removed from Pro v4+
The way the date will be presented
  • Date
  • Days ago / Yesterday / Today
  • Days / Hours / Minutes ago
  • Days Hours Minutes ago
Date format The date format following the syntax explained at
Time format The time format following the syntax explained at
Style The way the vote system will show
  • Text
  • Stars
Star color The color for the stars
  • Rating as text
  • Rating as stars
Pro Tags
Order The tags order
  • None
  • Console Follows the way the tags are ordered in the administration console
  • Alphabetical
Hide tags Tags that should not show in the list of tags
Distinct Show the tags as distinct entities, allowing for more complex skinning. Otherwise, the tags will show as a comma separated list
Show icon When distincts, show an icon before each tag
Icon Which icon to show. If there is no selection, it will use the default icon
Prepend text Text to show before each distinct tag
Use tag classes Skin the distinct tags with classes that are set for each tag in the core Tags component (does not apply to K2)
Classes Optional CSS classes to apply to all tags
  • Distinct tags distinct tags using each tag associated CSS classes
  • Tags tag list with override of the separator
Pro Links
Show icon Show an icon before each link
Icon Which icon to show. If there is no selection, it will use the default icon
Prepend text Text to show before each link
Protocol Show or hide the http:// or https://
  • Links
Pro Sharing - the share links to show when using the information type 'Share icons' 
Color Give the share icons their official color
  • None
  • Background
  • Color
Size The size of the icons (width and height are identical, set in px and em
Radius The radius when there is a background (allowing the icons to have a rounded look)
Classes Optional CSS classes to apply to each square icon

Example btn btn-small will give a Bootstrap button aspect to the icons

Pro v4.10-
Include (6 items)
Select which share service to show. The order in which the selections are made will determine the order on the site
  • None
  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Google Plus
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Stumbleupon
Pro v4.11+
Share buttons
Unlimited set of share buttons you can dynamically order
Share button
  • None
  • Email
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Mix
  • Pinterest
  • Telegram
  • Twitter
  • WhatsApp
  • Custom Add your own network share (requires a sub-layout under lnep_detail_share)
Custom button name The name of the custom button share. The sub-layout will have the same name.
Find more information here
Button color The color or background-color of the button. Useful to override the default color of any of the available buttons, mandatory for custom buttons

All icons use the SVG format. Originals have been downloaded from and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license
Removed from Pro v4+
Use deprecated
Use the old way to select share services (the following parameters). This is available for backward compatibility with older versions. The following parameters will be removed in the next major release of the module. Therefore, select the share services in the new 'include' parameters instead, allowing ordering of the icons
Removed from Pro v4+
Select to show an email icon
Removed from Pro v4+
Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon
Select to show the targeted social media
Warning Share links are not available if the item link is unauthorized
  • Share icons with rounded background background with radius of 10px
  • Share icons with extra classes extra classes btn btn-small
  • Share icons with color color

Additional information on specific types


It is possible to change the output text by overriding the constant key MOD_LATESTNEWSENHANCEDEXTENDED_HITS with language overrides.
It defaults, in English, to %s hit(s) where %s is the hit count for the item.


You can also modify the rating outputs by overriding the keys:
MOD_LATESTNEWSENHANCEDEXTENDED_RATING (which defaults to %s/5 where %s is the actual rating),
MOD_LATESTNEWSENHANCEDEXTENDED_FROMUSERS (which defaults to from %s user(s) where %s is the number of users who rated the item).



Override the key MOD_LATESTNEWSENHANCEDEXTENDED_TAGSSEPARATOR to change the symbol used to separate the tags when showing as comma-separated list.


K2 comments, JComments

The English default is %s comments where %s is the number of comments associated with the item.

Comments cannot be linked if the item link is unauthorized (inaccessible without login)

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