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Using Mail Templates

Trombinoscope Contacts

Joomla 4+ Pro
In Joomla 4, you now have the possibility to personalize mails sent through your website. The same is true with Trombinoscope Contacts Pro.

Go to System -> Templates -> Mail Templates

Each template contains tags that will be replaced with the appropriate information before the email is being sent.

Mail templates must be checked and saved before being usable!

Mail template: Contact form mail

This is the email sent from a contact form on the website.

Available tags

sitename The site's name
name The sender's name
nameextra The sender's additional information/identity
email The sender's email address
subject The subject of the message
body The body of the message
url The URL of the site the email is originating from
customfieldsset1 The list of custom fields showing before the message body
customfieldsset2 The list of custom fields showing after the message body
contactname The site's contact name

Mail template: Contact form mail copy

This is the copy of the email sent through the contact form. This is sent to the sender. In that case, it is highly suggested to add branding (like a logo of the site) in the HTML section of the message.

Available tags

The tags are identical to those of the previous mail template.

Mail template: Edit Notification

Sent when it is required to send a notification email after a contact has been edited in the frontend.

Available tags

sitename The site's name
user The user name of the person who edited the contact
username The username of the person who edited the contact
New useremail The email of the person who edited the contact
contactid The id of the edited contact
contact The name of the edited contact
New contactemail The email of the edited contact
url The URL of the site the email is originating from
modifieddata A list of the changes made to the contact's values
  • The modified data is represented as a json string, containing 'raw' data (separated into modified, added and removed sections).
  • The modified data will only show strings with at most 1024 characters. When truncated, the identified modified data will start with [Truncated].

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