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Module: layout

Weblink Logos


Alternative layout Use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates
Configuration The overall layout of the output.
  • Grid items are shown next to each other. Text is located under the logo
  • List items are shown in a vertical fashion. Text is located beside the logo
Items spacing (grid) In grid configuration, the way items are spaced in relation to each other
start Spacing start
end Spacing end
center Spacing center
space between Spacing space between
space around Spacing space around
space evenly Spacing space evenly
Items alignment (grid) In grid configuration, the alignment of the items
start Alignment start
end Alignment end
center Alignment center
Items alignment (list) In list configuration, the alignment of the items
start Alignment start
end Alignment end
center Alignment center
Layout The module template to use (includes overrides).
Hot Use nologos to use the module without logos
Footnote Add a footnote at the bottom of the module (for credentials for instance)


Overall width (px) The max width of each element in pixels.

Before v4.0
Leave blank in grid configuration to use the logo width as default.
Leave blank in list configuration to use the container's width.

Starting with v4.0
Leave blank to fit to content.

Example of items having a max width, taking the size of its content:

Overall width example
Exact width When set to 'yes', the items won't resize. Otherwise, the items can get smaller than the overall width, depending on their content and container

Set to 'no' for improved carousel support (the carousel needs to be able to set its own widths).

Example of forcing items to be of an exact width:

Exact width example
Top margin (px) The top margin for the item
Right margin (px) The right margin for the item
Bottom margin (px) The bottom margin for the item
Left margin (px) The left margin for the item
Moved to styling tab
Background color
The color of the background for each item
Moved to styling tab
Font size
The font size for the text (100% will keep the size of the template's original size)
Logo tooltip Show or hide the tooltip on the logo
Caption Show the links’ caption (caption of the first image by default, title otherwise).
The second image data is not taken into account
CSS classes The CSS classes to add to the caption

Example label label-info

Alignment (grid) In grid view, align the text:
  • Left
  • Center (default)
  • Right
Alignment (list) In list view, vertically align the text:
  • Top (default)
  • Middle
  • Bottom
Spacing The amount of space between elements (image <-> text)
Wrap (list) Moves the text below the image when there is not enough room to have image and text side by side
Title Display the item's title
HTML header tag The HTML tag to apply to the title (h1, .. h6)
Link title Make the title clickable
Hits Show the number of hits
CSS classes The CSS classes to add to the hits

Example label label-info

Hit feedback Adds a ‘clicked’ CSS class to the hit item (via jQuery)
Before 3.0 When enabling that feature in a module instance, it makes it available to all other instances on the page
Text separator The symbol/text to separate information
Description Show the description of the link or not
Letter count max The maximum number of letters of the description to show (leave empty to show everything)
Truncate last word When the text is truncated, it is possible to leave the last word intact or allow it to be truncated to get closer to the letter count max
Strip tags Leave the html formatting or not
Keep tags Select which tags to keep when stripping tags (no ‘end’ tags necessary)
Trigger events Trigger 'onContentPrepare' events from the description. 'No' ignores the calls and removes the plugins syntax
HTML tag wrapper The HTML tag to use to wrap the description of the item (choose from div, p, span, q, dfn)