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Updating older versions

Weblink Logos

You do not need to uninstall the extensions before updating them. In fact, by uninstalling them, you will lose all configurations (module instances...).

Before updating, make sure you read the change logs and are aware of potential backward compatibility issues.

Cached scripts and styles are removed on update. Updates fix issues, add features and/or improve performance and these wouldn't be reflected unless all cached files are re-generated.

Moving to Joomla 5 from Joomla 4.4

The upgrade is seamless and no side effects have been reported so far. If you have the latest version installed under Joomla 4.4, no update is necessary when upgrading to Joomla 5.

The extension works properly without the Compatibility plugin enabled.

The Joomla extension Weblinks is now fully compatible with Joomla 5 (you need at least v4.3.1).


Moving to Joomla 4 from Joomla 3.10

For a successful migration to Joomla 4, the extension first needs to be up to date in your Joomla 3.10 configuration.

There are a few changes for Weblink Logos free and pro:

  • Template overrides NEED to reflect the changes made for Joomla 4 compatibility. If you have created any, you must update them.

For general instructions on moving from Joomla 3.10 to Joomla 4, please check this tutorial out!

Must read: specific instructions about the migration for this extension.

Updating to v4.10 from v4.9.x

Pro In directory views, easily move the index to the side in a column-like layout. Additions require you check overrides for views, search and display layouts.

The new side filters
The new side filters

Updating to v4.9 from v4.8.x

There are a certain number of changes in the Joomla 4/5 version:

  • Pro show the category/tag index as an expandable tree,
  • Pro the tag index gets more options (pre-selection of a tag for instance),
  • Pro Weblinks can be shown in a menu item without logo with the 'nologos' layout,
  • Pro feeds can have a different limit than the site's configuration.

Those changes imply modifications in your overrides:

  • all pagination index layouts allowing a list output now handle a 'classes' attribute,
  • category and tag index layouts have been modified to accommodate the new tree structure.
  • If category and tag indexes are set to 'list' (previously 'flat list'), make sure 'hierarchy' is set to 'hide' to keep your previous output (because now, hierarchy has significance).

Updating to v4.8 from v4.7.x

Pro Joomla 4 Support for Joomla 4.0 has been dropped.

Pro Joomla 4 When notifications are enabled after frontend edition, the email sent can contain the modified data to better keep track of changes. The email is now managed through email templates.

Updating to v4.7 from v4.6.x

This is the last major update under Joomla 3. From now on, the Joomla 3 extensions will only receive bug fixes.

You can now filter web links via custom fields of type SQL.

This release contains data-related fixes and went through a major database queries overhaul.

Pro Custom fields of type SQL are selectable as a filter for pagination.

Updating to v4.6 from v4.5.x

This version brings a bucket load of fixes and improvements.

Pro the icons layout has been updated with new options to show icons as a flat list. You need to update your overrides of wlpicons.php to take advantage of the new features.

Updating to v4.5 from v4.4.x

Emphasis in this version is made on custom fields (custom fields are supported in Weblinks v3.7+):

  • filtering weblinks by custom fields (check this tutorial for detailed explanations,
  • Pro addition of custom field index alongside pagination in the frontend,
  • Pro edit selected custom fields in the weblink form in the frontend.

Pro If yo have created template overrides, they need to be updated to accommodate the new features (view template, search and icons layouts, and edit form).

Updating to v4.4 from v4.3.x

This version brings support to the AVIF image type (PHP 8.1+). It also adds image versioning, easing testing and reducing cache issues.

Update the template overrides, if you have any, to take advantage of thumbnail's mime type selection, image versioning, and modal fixes for Bootstrap 5.

Joomla 4 The extension supports the Imagick PHP image extension. If Imagick is available on your server, you may use it instead of the GD extension.

Updating to v4.3 from v4.2.x

This version focuses on Bootstrap 5 support.

Updating to v4.2 from v4.1.x

There are no issues to look for when updating.

Updating to v4.1 from v4.0.x

Pro The pagination indexation has been improved to later accommodate custom fields. This is an underlying work that improves index functionality but has no incidence yet on your designs. You may or may not update your template overrides at this time.

Migrating to v4.0 from v3.1.x

There are major additions and fixes in this version you need to be aware of:

Use of web standards

CSS flexbox is now used for the module's alignment and spacing of items EXCEPT when the items are included into a carousel.

The javascript library used for high resolution devices support has been removed, speeding up pages. The loading and the srcset attributes are being used instead. Older browsers will loose some of that functionality, but it is future-proof.
For this and all image changes and additions in this version, you need to update your template overrides, if you have any. 

Introducing loaders

Pro Image loaders, found in the global configuration parameters, are used when loading the carousels. Note that to take advantage of the loaders, you need to update the template overrides you may have of the module instances.

Support for WebP image files

The library, packaged with the extension, has been updated to handle WebP image files and consume less processing memory. Using WebP for your images will increase page load speed. The extension also handles the creation of fallback images for browsers which cannot handle WebP image files. Get more info in this article: Adding support for the WebP image file type in Simplify Your Web extensions.

Support for CSS filters for images

By using CSS filters, you will save server resources and reduce image load (by up to 50%).

A new behavior

When in grid configuration and the overall width is blank, the extension used to reduce the size of the logo (when adding shadows for instance). The new behavior is that the logo width is no longer reduced. If you set the logo width to be 120px, you end up with a logo of 120px no matter what. Basically, leaving Overall width blank now fits the content without a logo resize.

A new template

The module now includes a new template that can be used to show weblinks in a context where you don't want to show logos.

Updating to v3.1 from v3.0.x

Pro If you have overrides for any of the views, you will need to update them if you want to take advantage of the new enhancements.

Migrating to v3.0 from v2.9.x

The free an pro extensions have been updated to be able to work without jQuery or Bootstrap. Accessibility has also been improved. That requires all your template overrides to be updated as well if you want to be able to take advantage of all the improved code and features.

Here are the main changes you need to be aware of before updating:

  • support for Internet Explorer 8 and 9 has been dropped,
  • when using animations in the module, the visible items parameter requires a value (if no value is set, it defaults to 1, which may change the way your animations look until you set a value),
  • animation page numbers have been removed and replaced with just dots,
  • Hit feedback is no longer set for all module instances on the page, it is now set individually.

FIXED in v3.0.1 The module's carousel DOES NOT yet support RTL. If you absolutely need a carousel with RTL support, please do not update at this time

Updating to v2.9.x from v2.8.x

Make sure you update the overrides you may have created (directories and layouts) to get the latest edition features.

Updating to v2.8.x from v2.7.x

Make sure you update the overrides you may have created (for directory views, module instances and search layout) to get the latest edition features.

Updating to v2.7.x from v2.6.x

Make sure you update the overrides you may have created to get the latest features.

Updating to v2.6.x from v2.5.x

The Bootstrap compatibility improvements require all overrides to be updated. Overrides won't fail if you do not update them but you won't get the benefits of updating to this version.

If you are using modals, the extension won't load the MooTools framework anymore.

Updating to v2.5.x from v2.4.x

Pro Layouts are now placed in sub-folders to become visible and easily accessible in your template's overrides tab. You will need to move your overrides into identically named folders (your overrides won't be visible until you move them). For more information, check the layouts section in this documentation.

Free Pro image improvements will only be available if you update all your template overrides, if you have any.

Updating to v2.4.x from v2.3.x

If you want to take advantage of the new features for the category index selection box and title links, make sure you update the category index layout and module/view overrides, if you have any.

Updating to v2.3.x from v2.2.x

The major internal changes applied in this release all have backward compatibility. Nothing will break BUT if you want to take full advantage of the latest improvements, you will need to update the template overrides.

Note that there is a change in the extension's behavior: weblink items won't show if the first image is missing UNLESS a default logo is setup. If show errors is set to 'yes', it can troubleshoot why a module instance or some of the items are not showing or why items are missing in the directory view.

Updating to v2.2.x from v2.1.x

Layouts and module/view templates have been modified. Although these changes won't break your pages, you will need to update your overrides, if any to get the latest functionality and fixes.

Stylesheets have been modified to better fit your templates and allow for better responsiveness as well as using new techniques for display (flexbox).

The dash after the hits has been removed from the stylesheets, it is now a parameter called 'separator'.

Updating to v2.1.x from v2.0.x

The caching of stylesheets and scripts has gone through a total rewrite. It is no longer necessary to change file permission access on websites that have very tight security rules. If you have setup file permission access for the files of this extension, you can now safely remove them from your server configuration.

You may still, however, run into access permissions under the new caching system. In that case, it is just a matter of granting access to (or white-list) the /cache folder created for the extension.