Pro Joomla 3.7 ready
Starting with version 3.0, the module supports most of the Custom Field types (the relevant ones) introduced in Joomla! 3.7.
The supported types are:
- calendar
- checkbox
- integer
- list
- radio
- text
- textarea
- url
- editor
Once the fields are created in the content component, they are made available in the information blocs:
When selected, the field's value will show for the article in the module, if the article has a value for the field.
Adding third-party custom fields
Select the custom fields you need Latest News Enhanced Pro to be compatible with in the global configurations of the extension (Shared options tab).
From that point on, those third-party custom fields are also visible among the standard ones.
You still need to create a layout for those fields, determining how the values will look like. To do so, copy any of the already available layouts as a starting point. Add the layout to the template overrides (see the layout overrides section) and follow the naming convention.
For instance, a third-party custom field Authors will need a layout called lnep_detail_jfield_authors.php