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Troubleshoot: Fatal or Class SYW... not found error

First published April 27, 2017
13633 hits - No rating

The issue

It's been reported a few times that suddenly, after an update, fatal errors or Class not found errors can occur when accessing an extension or a page hosting a Simplify Your Web extension.

Although a major issue (since it may crash the site on some pages), it is easily fixable.


Create a slideshow of pictures for the contact view

First published August 04, 2018
5237 hits - No rating

With Trombinoscope Contacts Pro v2.11, it is now possible to show a different picture than the standard contact picture in the contact views created by the extension (for users of Joomla 3.7 and over). Not only that, it is also possible to show several pictures that will automatically display as a slideshow. This tutorial will teach you on how you can easily do just that.


Troubleshoot linking to contacts in Trombinoscope Contacts

First published February 08, 2018
4561 hits - No rating

Depending on your Joomla configuration, when linking contacts in Trombinoscope Contacts free or pro to a contact view, those links may result in a 404 error or even open an un-rendered page. Usually, this happens when the contacts have no menu item to 'fall' into.


How to override the appearance of elements in an extension output

First published May 11, 2016
8700 hits -

No matter how flexible an extension is, there always comes a time where, now that the functionality is in place, the output is not quite an exact match to the original design.

There are many ways to overcome design issues in Joomla, all mostly involving overrides. When the layout is considerably different, a template override may be in order but for simple changes (like the color of a title for instance), additional CSS code may just be the way to go.


This set of articles have been created in order to increase people's awareness about the Simplify Your Web products.
It is aiming to show how those products can be used and point out not-so-well-known functionality.